My friend Lilian posted this on Pinterest and it really made an impact on me. I know its a long story, but it's definitely one of my favorite theories. Its pretty controversial and may seem crazy but every time I read it, I find new meaning in the words.
I come from an extremely religious background. My family is catholic and although my parents have done a lousy job of making me and my siblings go to church or join religious activities, I believe it is because my grandparents MADE them fake an interest in religion when they were young and now they resent the idea of me and my sisters having the same experience. It is something I absolutely adore about my parents, they give us the freedom to make our own decisions and sometimes fall on our face.. but hey, it was our choice! And they are always there to bring us back up.... But back to the story.
ALTHOUGH, I come from a catholic background, I have always believed in reincarnation and as I get older, and with my experiences in college, I've become more and more interested in the bible and learning more about how religion can coincide with science. This post about the reason for our creation means more to me than just that. To me it is less of a justification for our existence and more a lesson to follow. It is a lesson on growth and human compassion, and whether you take the story literally or just as a reminder to be kind to one another.. A lot can be learned!
-Enjoy and let me know what you think :)